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Pete the Peanut is an introductory resource for kids of all ages to read with their parents, families, teachers, carers or specialists. Information is presented with photographic illustrations to ensure there is no room for “make-believe”.

A clear reminder that allergies are REAL. Reactions are REAL. Each of us is at different stages and plays various roles along the allergy journey, a journey nobody processes in precisely the same way.

With that in mind, Pete the Peanut is a resource that is designed to dip in and out of as opportunities along their unique relationship living with allergies are presented. While there is no one size fits all approach, the most important thing we can do is to educate our children with as much information as we possibly can.

This was written by Amy Marley as part of an Allergy Awareness Book Series. Amy is a writer of children’s books, poetry and memoir with a focus on kid-i-fying information and the wisdom learned from living life.

Click here to learn more (external link)

This information was provided to Allergy Life Australia by Amy Marley. This Page was last updated on 30th May 2023.

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Allergy Life Australia features resources and products that are for the community. Unless detailed, these are not created, owned or endorsed by Allergy Life Australia but by the provider. This information is here to support the community in discovering resources and products. Please check with the individual providers on the suitability for you or loved one's health care and personal needs.
The information provided on Allergy Life Australia is to generally educate and inform you about living with allergies, intolerances and conditions, and is not intended as medical instruction or as a substitute for diagnosis, examination and advice by a qualified health care provider.