Hypersensitivity type may be- Type I Allergy
Immune reactions may be from- IgE
Reactions may occur in- Minutes (Can have a delayed onset of symptoms)
Mammalian Meat Allergy is also known as Alpha-gal Syndrome (AGS) or Alpha-gal Allergy. Mammalian Meat Allergy is caused by being sensitised earlier (being bitten earlier) by the Paralysis Tick.
When people with this allergy consume mammalian meat, a reaction is caused by the Alpha-gal sugar molecule found in the meat. This causes causing an allergic reaction that can range from minor to severe and life-threatening. Mammalian Meat Allergy reactions are similar to those of other food allergies. However, unlike other food allergies, it may, in some cases, have a delayed onset of symptoms 2-10 hours from ingestion.
What are Mammals? Mammals are a diverse group, but they all are vertebrates that produce milk to feed their young, have hair or fur, have a unique jaw structure and are warm-blooded.
Mammals include Cows, Pigs, Kangaroos, Sheep, Goats, Deer, Rabbit, etc. From mammals, people consume beef, pork, lamb, etc.
While this allergy occurs through foods containing Alpha-gal, it may also occur through exposure to products containing Alpha-gal, such as gelatin-coated medications and mammalian milk (Cows Milk, Goats Milk, etc).
Some of the symptoms may be characterised by:
- Stomach pain
- Stomach cramps
- Upset stomach
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Trouble swallowing
- Itching of the mouth, throat, eyes, skin or any other area
- Nasal congestion
- Runny nose
- Nausea
- Urticaria/ Hives
- Shortness of breath
- Wheezing
- Asthma aggravation
The validity and severity of these symptoms are dependent on the individual and the level of exposure, as determined by a qualified health care provider.
If you experience or are in the presence of someone that encounters an immediate serious reaction (this may include difficulty breathing, wheezing, throat tightening, swelling, collapse, etc), call or have someone call triple zero (000) immediately.
In the case of a minor allergic reaction, people may use Antihistamines along with other medications based on their individual symptoms and prescribed treatments.
For severe allergic reactions Epinephrine may be used, followed by seeking emergency medical attention. However, some people may not be able to use Epinephrine due to particular reasons.
It’s important for anyone with an Allergy, to discuss treatments with a qualified health care provider to understand how to manage individual allergies and also to set up an Allergy Action Plan in the case of a reaction.
Always present your Allergy Card, Medical Alert Bracelet or Necklace to ensure health care providers, family members, friends, colleagues and others are aware of your Allergy or Allergies.
A blood test may be used to test for Mammalian Meat Allergy. This may be tested in conjunction with other testing as requested by your health care provider.
Some labels or terms you may come across on Mammalian Meat Allergy friendly products:
"Meat Free" "Vegan"
The Australian Tick can be about 1cm long and may be a grey-blue colour.
The information provided on Allergy Life Australia is to generally educate and inform you about living with allergies, intolerances and conditions, and is not intended as medical instruction or as a substitute for diagnosis, examination and advice by a qualified health care provider.
More symptoms of my meat allergy
Usually has a 4 hour delay
Everywhere I have ever been bitten by ticks swells up 1st
On my right leg
My neck and my left eyelid are early warning signs then 1 hour later bam hit by a freight train while high off my face on 100 mg of Phenergan antihistamines aka allersooth 5 25mg tablets to tame a delayed anyphilactic reaction and an 8 hour wait for the severe reaction to subside while I feel like I been ran over by a bus for a week n kicked in the gut it’s very painful
I had two anyphilactic reactions over the last two weeks due to undeclared allergens in supermarket products
1st one 2 weeks ago there was pork slices instead of chicken slices in my ALDI chicken slices packet
The 2nd one last week was chicken pizza that wasn’t chicken at a phat boys pizza and pide takeaway store on top of COVID struggling to breathe
don’t buy hot chips from a takeaway store they cook beef Pluto pups and Chico rolls in the same fryer n forget McDonald’s I’m allergic to almost everything on the menu except a fillet o fish and a chicken burger so it’s much safer to go to KFC Instead if you want takeaway food:)
Over the years reactions get worse than they used to be as the last time since last week it happened 2 years ago
I bought chicken sausages from ALDI that had natural pork casing in microscopic txt in the ingredients(oh oh) then before that there was a beef pie in my packet of ALDI chicken and veggies pies packet(Jesus save me now) n before that pretty much any Woolworths salad fermenting in a plastic bag triggers the same allergy while the same salads at ALDI do not trigger the reactions as ALDI salad isn’t slimey and if I end up in hospital guess what the nurse feeds ya=pigs cows and sheep cuz nobody can speak or read english in the hospital=oh no here we go again while ya starve at hospital n reach for ya bag to eat more allergy tablets to save yourself so the nurse doesn’t kill you after ya told em to give you chicken or fish instead of something that gives birth
Keep those antihistamines close they are lifesavers and if you get bitten by a tick do not pull it out with tweezers
Go to doctor n get em to use wart freeze/liquid nitrogen to freeze it off as my mother used tweezers n almost died just from removing a tick on her head
Being bitten by any kind of tick after that makes the allergy worse so I moved over 100 KLM west of Sydney well away from the ticks as I am now allergic to being bitten by ticks on top of the meat allergy
I will have a fatal anyphilactic reaction if I ever get bitten by another paralysis tick not just making the meat allergy worse
To whom reads this I hope it saves a life
The comments I wrote before this one and the last one I posted can be deleted by the mods as typo’s in those
Have a wonderful day n don’t forget the areogaurd in summer and winter if ya visit Sydney’s northern beaches as nature is lethal and doctors who can’t speak english are useless as tits on a bull so don’t forget the antihistamines if ya have to go to hospital so you can save your own life after the nurse feeds ya beef labelled as chicken!!!
I have not been able to consume mammals since 2013
I was bitten by a tick on Sydney’s northern beaches and I have never been overseas
Allergic reactions are terrifying
Quick 100 mg of Phenergan stat or its die while waiting for an ambulance
My mother died 3 times code blue from being bitten by the same ticks after surviving a fatal anyphilactic reaction(she is not allergic to meat at all she got lymes disease instead of the meat allergy) and over 10 minutes without oxygen while my step father saved her life and broke all her ribs performing CPR until ambulance arrived and she died twice in the ambulance and spent several weeks in intensive care swollen like a beached whale as she is very lucky to be still alive while she suffers from lymes disease as she has never been overseas either
Wear insect repellent and stay out of the bush on Sydney’s northern beaches esp near Manly Dam the virus is in the north head bandicoot population that spread to the brushtail possum population while those animals carry the infected blue bottle paralysis ticks that cause these tick borne allergies and viruses
Stay safe out there while I can only wish I could eat a sausage roll but if I do the sausage roll could easily kill me
I can still drink full cream milk and eat cheese tho but can’t have thickened cream so it’s chicken fish n veggies for me now:)
As for DSP lol I’ll have to lose my arms n legs to get that vs doctors who hiss at ya like vampires if ya give em a DSP form to sign that no doctor will sign while being trapped on centrelink looking for a job that wont kill me!
I would not wish my meat allergy on my worst enemy it’s that scary to live with it!
Although my mother was bitten by the same ticks I got bitten by she is not allergic to meat at all she just got lymes disease instead of the meat allergy.
If ya visit the northern beaches stay out of the bush cover up n wear plenty of areogaurd I would wish my allergy on my worst enemy.
Take care out there nature is lethal
I have not been able to consume mammals since 2013
I was bitten by a tick on Sydney’s northern beaches and I have never been overseas
Allergic reactions are terrifying
Quick 100 mg of Phenergan stat or its die while waiting for an ambulance
My mother died 3 times code blue from being bitten by the same ticks after surviving a fatal anyphilactic reaction and over 10 minutes without oxygen while my step father saved her life and broke all her ribs performing CPR until ambulance arrived and she died twice in the ambulance and spent several weeks in intensive care swollen like a beaches whale as she is very lucky to be still alive while she suffers from lymes disease as she has never been overseas either
Wear insect repellent and stay out of the bush on Sydney’s northern beaches esp near Manly Dam the virus is in the north head bandicoot population that spread to the brushtail possum population while those animals carry the infected blue bottle paralysis ticks that cause these tick borne allergies and viruses
Stay safe out there while I can only wish I could eat a sausage roll but if I do the sausage roll could easily kill me
I can still drink full cream milk and eat cheese tho but can’t have thickened cream so it’s chicken fish n veggies for me now:)
As for DSP lol I’ll have to lose my arms n legs to get that vs doctors who hiss at ya like vampires if ya give em a DSP form to sign that no doctor will sign while being trapped on centrelink looking for a job that wont kill me!
Yes, I have been unable to eat meat or dairy products for nearly 5 – 6 years, worsening in the last year. I live in Sydney and have camped or caravanned a lot on both the South and Central Coasts of NSW.
I have travelled over seas and cruised back twice since 2018 I have visited Hawaii, Tahiti, Noumea, Fiji, Singapore, Komodo Island, Bali.
I know I have been bitten by ticks, but do not know of a specific time.
5 – 6 years ago I developed severe hay fever and mild stomach discomfort if I digested full cream milk. Over the years it has worsened to now, not being able to digest any type of meat or dairy product (Goats Cheese is the only thing that I can still eat and not get sick).
If I digest any meat bi-product the reaction is not as bad as if I had eaten the actual meat, symptoms can persist from 6 hours to 4 days, they include:
Stomach pain/burning
Stomach cramps
Upset stomach
Itching of the mouth, throat, eyes, skin or any other area
Nasal congestion
Runny nose
I would love nothing more than to be able to eat and enjoy a lamb roast or big thick steak.
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