ASK about Allergies this Festive Season

ASK about Allergies this Festive Season

Raising Awareness and Support, Thursday 12 December 2024

ASK about Allergies this Festive Season.

Hosting this Festive Season?

  • If you're hosting a party or gathering this festive season, ASK your guests if they have allergies, not just food allergies but all types of allergies including latex, pets, etc.

Meeting people this Festive Season?

  • If you meet people this festive season, and you're giving them gifts, treats, etc ASK them if they have any allergies.

Make an extra effort to ASK kids if they have allergies this Festive Season, as they may be nervous or too shy to speak up.

Do you have allergies, or care for someone who does?

  • ASK if the allergens are present (in the product or at the party/gathering) and if it's safe for you/them. If you Ask and don't feel safe,"It's Okay to Say No Thank You". You’re not being rude; it’s better to say “No, Thank You” than to put yourself or your loved one at risk of a reaction.
  • And if you have allergies, or care for someone who does, don't forget to carry emergency medication, your allergy alert (allergy card, allergy bracelet, etc) and a charged phone to call triple zero (000) in the case of an emergency.

Managing and living with allergies can be challenging, and together we can support each other.

We wish you, your family and friends a Wonderful and Safe Festive Season!